Compassionate, Professional Care Management

We provide solutions for families, and professionals addressing the complexities of healthcare, aging and long term care needs. We offer guidance for life transitions.

We are Geriatric Care Managers, Advocates, Consultants, Nurses. We provide health care navigation for, individuals, families and their loved ones.

Our compassionate guidance, experience, and personalized care management allows us to access the best care and living options available.

Professional Care Management

  • We provide Advocacy, Guidance, Support, with all your healthcare needs.
  • We assist in obtaining expert medical care for your diagnosis and treatment.
  • During a hospitalization or rehab stay, we act as your advocate to ensure coordination of care.
  • We provide communication between with your doctors and all medical staff.
  • Coordination of qualified services: Caregivers, In-Home Senior Care, Visiting Mobile Practitioners, Hospice, Counseling, among other in- home support and resources.
  • We allocate medical resources, coordinate government assistance, VA benefits, Medicaid.

For Families and Caregivers

  • Oversight of a loved one when you cannot be there.
  • Provide guidance and direction through all issues facing clients and their families.
  • Visit your loved one in their home, communities, skilled care facility or hospital.
  • We assist in finding Care Advocates – Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Personal Care Homes, Medicaid and low budget options.
  • We act as liaison and assist with all communication between family, caregivers, hospitals, rehabs, communities, facilities, and medical staff.

For Attorneys, Accountants, Guardians

  • Expert evaluations and nursing reports required for court documentation.
  • Recommendations for appropriate care options (assisted living, skilled nursing facilities).
  • Advocacy and coordination of care services with providers, physicians, hospitals, caregivers, skilled care settings, senior living settings.
  • On-going care management in collaboration with a legal guardian or conservator.
  • Facilitation of family meetings and communication with long-distance relatives.