Tag Archives: Senior Health


Importance of Socialization to Seniors

Seniors’ health might suffer from isolation at home, mainly if they live alone or are frequently left alone when waivered care services are not possible. As a senior placement agency in San Antonio, Texas, we believe that to combat boredom and ...

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Things We Should Know About Assisted Living

As we reach senior age, we need to keep our independence. One of the things we fear the most is losing it. The majority of us want to stay in our own homes for the rest of our lives. But unfortunately, certain challenges may threaten our independence...

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Meeting New People in Assisted Living

Planning to start a life in assisted living communities is scary. You may not know everyone at first and it may give you difficulties in socializing. It may be beneficial for you to be in care homes as you will receive the right care. However, yo...

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Senior Living: How to Remember Medication Intake

Most seniors are already experiencing the consequences of aging. On top of the list is health deterioration. It is during this stage in life that a person usually gets diagnosed with medical conditions. In most cases, these are consequences of unheal...

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