Tag Archives: Senior Safety


Tips for Taking Care of Dementia Patients

Senior patients are going through various obstacles because of their health conditions. Finding out that their health is compromised meant the beginning of various challenges they must undergo. Unfortunately, this could compromise their quality of li...

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Senior Living: How to Remember Medication Intake

Most seniors are already experiencing the consequences of aging. On top of the list is health deterioration. It is during this stage in life that a person usually gets diagnosed with medical conditions. In most cases, these are consequences of unheal...

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Foods that Can Prevent Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

It is concluded that the combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle variables, including diet and nutrition, contributes to the development of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Health issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, di...

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Memory Care Tips for Your Loved Ones with Dementia

According to National Institute on Aging, dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning – thinking, remembering, and reasoning – to such an extent that it interferes with a person’s daily life and activities. Taking care of a loved one with dem...

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Simple Ways to Help Seniors Stay Independent at Home

It’s tempting to take over your senior loved one’s day-to-day living, especially when aging starts to slow them down. However, seniors value their independent living while aging. It is possible to care for your senior loved ones without r...

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Home Safety Tips to Prevent Seniors From Falling

Falling is one of the leading causes of ER admissions in seniors. It can lead to serious injuries so it is necessary to find ways to prevent it. Below are some helpful tips that you can do to reduce your senior loved one’s risk of falling at home: ...

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